Arrow Preparatory Academy is an interdenominational Christian school located in Edmonds, WA. We offer a truly unique educational approach that is centered around the development of mind, heart and character. Seeking to embody a love of God, love of family and love of learning, Arrow Prep's academic program partners with parents to provide for their children an education that focuses on the whole child, using the University Model®. With small, engaging classrooms and a hands-on approach to learning, our goal is to cultivate a joyful learning environment where students and families thrive.
An incremental, sequenced, hands on
approach to learning
Our fusion of investigative learning and the classical model of teaching is truly unique. Skills, tools and knowledge are intentionally sequenced and layered for students, so that every new piece is a building block to success. In the later years this foundation acts as a springboard for creativity and critical thinking, where the student is encouraged to become increasingly independent and self-directed in their learning. We believe that active bodies stimulate active minds, and especially in the younger years when attention spans are limited, we incorporate a variety of physical activities into the school day to keep students alert and engaged.
Parent Support RoleStudents meet on campus three days a week under the direction of professional teachers, and complete lessons at home on alternate days with parents serving as a tutor. New concepts are introduced and taught at school by professional teachers while the application and reinforcement of the concept takes place at home on the other two days. This provides a wonderful opportunity to maintain strong family relationships through increased time together.
Developing character and creativity
While academic excellence is core to the University Model® and something we embrace wholeheartedly, Arrow Preparatory Academy focuses first on the heart. We firmly believe that students of strong character, firmly rooted in Jesus and confident in themselves and their abilities, will inherently possess the internal motivation that drives them to succeed in their academic and creative endeavors.
Arrow Preparatory Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.